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A Garden of Love & Healing: 
Living Tributes To Those We Have 
Loved and Lost by Marsha Olson




A Garden of Love and Healing: Living...


5 out of 5 stars =    Unique Ideas for Beautiful Memories

Reviewer: The Rebecca Review

“For every flower than opens in your garden, another wound is healed in your heart.” -Unknown

“A Garden of Love & Healing” is a book filled with unique ideas for creating a living tribute to those you have loved and lost. Marsha Olson shows you how to create a memory garden which can be elaborate or a single tree. This garden can be created in your own backyard or in a public space.

In order to create your garden, Marsha gives information on the symbolism of plants, common garden themes and guides for preparation, installation and maintenance of a garden. She also explains remembrance rituals.

Throughout the book, the author shares personal stories and photographs of actual memory gardens. You will notice they are places where you can wander through, stepping on smooth stones or where you can sit on a chair or bench. These are places for reflection.

The chapters include:

Nature’s Healing Spirit
Giving Your Garden Meaning
Garden Themes
Preparing, Installing, and Maintaining Your Garden
Accessories for a Memory Garden
Dedicating Your Garden
Final Thoughts

Through this book, you can learn which flowers represent the month you lost your loved one or what the color of the flowers you choose symbolizes. If you were to make a garden for a friend, you might wish to plant “zinnia: thoughts of absent friends.”

You might also want a “theme” garden and you may want to plant:

An Herb Garden of Memory
A Meditation Garden
A Patriotic Garden
A Spring Garden of Memory
A Monet Garden for an Artist
A Bird and Butterfly Garden

Some of the pictures have a name engraved in stone surrounded by plants. "A Garden of Love & Healing" is for those who want to honor the legacy of a beautiful soul who touched their life in a meaningful way.


While this book is specifically for memorial gardens, there is also a great amount of information on the meanings of flowers and page after page of “The Victorian Language of Flowers” which is an extensive list. There is also a list of Selected Plants arranged by common name with their botanical name, type, zone and light needs. This book might also be helpful for florists or for anyone who wants to create a garden to honor a living relative or friend. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to create a garden for someone you love while they could enjoy it? This book has many possibilities.

Gardening is definitely therapeutic and it helps take your mind off your worries and
stress in everyday life.



Friendship & Flowers


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