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Jay Abraham Audiobook

The Sticking Point Solution

5.0 out of 5 stars Tap into Secret Wealth, September 21, 2009
"When the going gets tough, the tough get growing." ~ Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham has an amazing mind. Give him a problem and he won't just think of one solution, he will think of twenty or more ideas that will make you money. He believes you can even benefit from bad times by taking control of your destiny and beating the competition. One thing Jay emphasizes is that it is not a good idea to go it alone. He talks about joint ventures and about how to hire people who will think of their work as play.

Do you have an irresistible product? Jay Abraham gives ideas about how to be successful at trade shows and explains how to convert website visitors into buyers. His encouraging message makes you feel like you are part of an exclusive club receiving the secrets of untapped wealth.

Jay Abraham has a wealth of case studies to draw from. He eagerly explains how his ideas have made clients millions of dollars. One of his ideas is to buy out your weaker competitors to get their buyers. You would of course be paying them a portion of the profits.

One of the most helpful suggestions is about how to handle email. It might sound simple but people waste hours on emails when they could be doing more important tasks that would make them money. If you find email to be constantly distracting then you might want to take Jay's advice on this matter.

Overall I feel this CD set would be most beneficial to anyone who wants to be more influential in the business world. Whether you are a corporate executive or an entrepreneur the advice Jay Abraham gives will open your mind to new possibilities.

"Your destiny is for the taking." ~ Jay Abraham

~The Rebecca Review



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